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Friday, 22 August 2014

Opel: Still the German-American-Russian Friendship

Image uploaded by Opel Russia, appeared on the net there are already a few days but you have to recognize we look, probably wrongly, fairly towards Russia for automotive and image been zapped by many automotive sites.

Opel: Still the German-American-Russian Friendship |

Also we offer you with a little delay this first image of a draped or teaser announcing a new feature for the exhibition in Moscow which will open in 12 days. If it seems that we are dealing with a cut, hard to say which though some colleagues see here Opel Monza Coupe was unveiled at Frankfurt there 11 months.
Some argue that this is an evolution of Monza or even cut his version of this series which is doubtful! Finally, there is the nostalgic who see this as the rebirth of the golden cloth Calibra coupe as expected, but that it is difficult to believe as the market for cut non premium volume manufacturers is reduced to a tiny portion of the market.

Source : Opel.

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